Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Open Lot Meeting 6/2/09, 7pm at The Greenhouse in Green Hills

Open Lot Meeting 6/2/09, 7pm at The Greenhouse in Green Hills

Renovations begin this week on the future home of Open Lot on 4th Ave. South. New windows, new floors, track lighting, sinks, public bathrooms, etc. will all be put in during the next three weeks. There are still a few private studios available for move-in for July. I would love to know everyone's plans for move-in before July 1st so we can possibly share truck, dolly, etc. to make the whole process go a little faster.

Recently we've been talking about who Open Lot should be working with and how to keep the space and the group sustainable. Now that the space is quickly becoming available for use, let's talk more about the specifics of what we should show and how we should use the space as a public venue. What are the kinds of shows you've heard and read about and thought, "that sounds amazing, but would never fly in Nashville"? Don't forget to keep a look out for exhibition ideas outside of visual art, and please bring others who have ideas or just want to support new kinds of art in Nashville.

See you there,
Jonathan Lisenby


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