Monday, March 7, 2011

INGLEWOOD CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL - Vendor Application. April 16 2011


Riverside Village Saturday, April 16, 2011
11 am – 5 pm

Contact Email: Anthony Viglietti email to


Applications must be received by March 19, 2011
Please fill in all information, attach additional sheets if needed.

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Business name (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: _____________________

Phone: _______________________________

ICBF does NOT guarantee locations in advance. As a courtesy, we will do our best to accommodate our
sponsors and vendors with specific location requests.

Booth Fee: $100 (Qualifying Starving Artist will be refunded $30 upon application acceptance)
Application Fee: $20 Non-Refundable (Please use a separate check.)

Will you offer products/services for sale? ____________________________________________________

Will you give away any products/services? __________________________________________________

Do you have an Inglewood connection? _____________________________________________________

Booth description (include specific products/services, performances or demonstrations):


Please include photographs of your booth at other events, or of the items/food/etc. you plan to have at your
booth. Printed photos will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Please return your completed application and fees in person to:
Tracy Hamilton at the Village Pub & Beer Garden in Riverside Village.
Or mail to: Inglewood Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 160819, Nashville, TN 37216-0819.

Email: __________________________________________

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