Monday, March 21, 2011

Emergency Preparedness for Artists 101 - Apr 9 2011

Cover Your A's (Art, Assets, and Archives): Emergency Preparedness for Artists 101

Saturday, April 9, 2011
9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Howard School Auditorium
(Next to Metro Office Building)

700 Second Ave. South, Nashville, TN 37210

Cost $15; includes brunch and free copy of
Studio Protector: The Artist's Guide to
Emergencies® ($16 value)

Attendance limited to 25 participants


Did the May floods in Nashville give you a wake-up call?

Can your career sustain the losses of a flood, studio fire, tornado, or burst water line?

Did you know most homeowner's insurance does not cover losses or liability for your art business?

Do you know how to minimize losses and get help after an emergency?

Protect your career from losses caused by both natural disasters and individual emergencies with preparedness steps that take little time and money. An insurance expert will demystify the topic of business insurance and answer questions.
Kim Brooks of Finer Things Gallery will share insights gained from the flood which inundated her husband Rusty Wolfe's studio and put several feet of water in their home.
Craig Nutt, an artist and Director of Programs for CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund + Artists' Emergency Resources) will lead the session and talk about emergency resources available to artists.

Parking behind Lindsley Hall or in front of the Metro Office Building. (Participants: bring proof of ID for security.)
For more information, to register or for directions call: 615-743-3055

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