Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free Workshop - Social Media and Your Art: Using Facebook as Marketing Tool. 9-24-11 RSVP.

Free Workshop - Social Media and Your Art:

Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool

Hosted by VMB, Virtual Media Assistants in conjunction with Sarratt Art Studios on September 24, 2011 9am-1pm in 112 Sarratt Student Center on Vanderbilt’s campus. RSVP required to vmbvma@gmail.com

Are you struggling to get started in the growing world of social media?  Does Facebook intimidate you?  Do you want to increase your artwork’s virtual visibility? Virtual media assistants, VMB, are here to help.  VMB offers several virtual media services to assist artists looking to improve their online presence.

For the first time VMB is offering a FREE, limited entry, introductory workshop! This workshop will focus on teaching you how to set up and use a Facebook Page that effectively markets your artwork and business.  Tutorials on how to navigate Facebook, strategies on using Facebook to promote your artwork, and instructions on profile management will be offered.  We will also discuss creating an Etsy account that can be linked to your profile.

Please come join us in Sarratt Student Center Room 112 on Vanderbilt University’s campus on September 24, 2011 from 9:00am-1:00pm. Light refreshments will be provided. CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 15! To RSVP please email vmbvma@gmail.com or contact us via our website www.vmbvma.weebly.com.

Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@VMBVMA) for updates and special offers!

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