Sunday, October 2, 2011

2011 Blue Fig Fall/Winter workshops and classes - Printmaking

2011  Blue Fig  Fall/Winter  workshops and classes

Oct  2011
Workshops:    Basic Printmaking   Saturday October 15th  9:00 pm - 4:00     1 day workshop   $ 45 
        This 2 evening workshop will teach the foundations of printmaking and cover the history as well as techniques             including Lithography Intaglio, Silkscreen, Collographs, Monotypes, Linoleum & Wood cuts and several other areas.         This class will be more informative than hands on and will offer a comprehensive background on Printmaking.             Workshop will include several demonstrations and actually printing of art. All students will walk away with some             piece of artwork.  1 day session, due to time limits there will be more demonstrations more so than hands-on. 

        Linoleum Cut Basic   Friday October 28th   9:00 am - 4:00        1 day workshop  $75 
        This workshop will cover the basic linoleum printing process from creating a drawing transferring it and then               cutting a linoleum pad. The students will run proofs and add additional colors if wanted. Each students will be             taught to ink and print their work by hand or through a printing press. All materials will be provided for this             workshop, students may be required to bring block cutting tools if needed. 1 day workshop / 7 hours.

Classes:        Silkscreen   Tues  October 11th/18th  & Thurs October  13th/20th    6:30 pm - 9:00    4 classes  $175
        This class will teach the students basic silkscreen process from photo emulsion coating of screens to exposure and             registration / printing. Each student will have the opportunity to create several multi color prints.  There will be a             short portion showing silkscreen monotype as well for those interested.  All basic materials and ink supplies will be             provide with the exception of paper.  4day/ 10+  hours.

Open Studio:     Open Studio time   Sunday  October  9th    9:00am to 3:00 pm    $10/hr ( $30 minimum)
        Blue Fig Editions Studio will be open to those students wanting to add to their experiences as well as open to other         artist interested in using the facilities. Shop Equipment and some limited supplies will be provided, Inks/paper/ and         other supplies available for cost. (studio to be open for 6 hours, must contact Blue Fig to schedule time)  

November 2011
   Etching Basics  Saturday November  5th     9:00 am - 4:30       1 day class   $85  
        This workshop will cover the basic etching process from preparing and etching a plate to proof and printing. Each              students will be taught to create a etching plate, acid etch, print proofs/re-work the plate and print. All required             equipment and materials will be provided for this workshop. 1 day workshop / 7+ hours.

        Monotype Silkscreen  Friday November 18th    9:00 am - 4:00        1 day class   $75  
        This workshop will teach you monotype printing through silkscreen technique printing. Each student will be able to         create and print several monotypes using silkscreen inks and a vast array of colors. All materials supplied.   7 hours

Classes:        Etching 101  Tues  November 8th/15th & Thurs November an 10th/17th     6:30 pm - 9:00   4 classes  $175
        This class will cover the etching process including hard ground, aquatint, dry-point, Monotypes, as well as other             techniques. Students will be taught to create a etching plate, acid etch, print proofs and complete modifications as             needed then print a small edition. Shop equipment &ink will be supplied but artist need to plan on added cost for             plates and paper. 4 evening classes / 10 hours.

Open Studio:     Open Studio time   Sunday November 13th   9:00am to 3:00 pm  $10/hr ( $30 minimum)
        Blue Fig Editions Studio will be open to those students wanting to add to their experiences as well as open to other         artist interested in using the facilities. Shop Equipment and some limited supplies will be provided, Inks/paper/ and         other supplies available for cost. (studio to be open for 6 hours, must contact Blue Fig to schedule time)

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