Friday, November 2, 2007

Storm Stories: Artists Respond to Disaster - Artist Talk Lecture

Tennessee State University’s Department of Art presents:

Storm Stories: Artists Respond to Disaster

Artist Talk/Performance
Friday, November 9, 2007, 6pm
Avon Williams Campus Auditorium
310 Charlotte Avenue
Between Union and Charlotte on 10th)
Downtown Nashville, TN

Karen Edmunds and Mary Perrin, Louisiana artists affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, have collaborated on a multi-media story/performance on their experiences after Katrina and Rita.
The performance will be accompanied by a slide presentation of the artists’ hurricane-related artwork and original photographs taken in the aftermath of the storms.
The lecture/performance coincides with a gallery exhibition on Tennessee State University’s main campus in the Hiram Van Gordon Gallery.

Exhibition runs through Dec 1, 2007
Hiram Van Gordon Gallery
Elliot Hall, Tennessee State University
Gallery Hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10-11am, or by appointment
Contact: Jodi Hays, Gallery Director
Phone: 615.963.1599

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