Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Call for Artists: Estel Gallery: Feb/March 2009 exhibition Rock Paper Scissors: Deadline: 1-9-09

Estel Gallery is currently accepting submissions for its Feb/March 2009 exhibition Rock Paper Scissors featuring artwork using the media of rock/stone, cut paper or scissors. We will also consider any media with rock, paper or scissors as its subject matter.

The show runs Feb. 6- March 14, 2009.
The opening reception will be Feb. 7, 2009.
The deadline for submissions is Jan. 9, 2008.

Eligibility: Open to any artist over the age of 18.

Acceptable Media: Rock/stone, cut paper or scissors - any subject matter with rock, paper or scissors as its subject matter.

Fee: $10 per entry

Participation: Emailed submissions and/websites sent for consideration WILL NOT be considered. You may send images using the following guidelines.

1. No more than five (5) quality images of work. Please present at least two different views of any three-dimensional pieces submitted (total images including multiple angles should not exceed 15 images). Each image must be properly labeled with: Artist Name, Title, Medium, Dimensions and Gallery Retail Price. (Gallery commission is 50%.) Please do not include images of sold work. All work for the show must be for sale.

2. A current resume limited to no more than two pages and include:
Exhibitions divided between one-person and group as well as Gallery representation of both current and past relationships. Please provide this as a .doc file on the CD with your images.

3. An Artist's Statement about your work or any comments you feel necessary to fully appreciate your work. (Please limit to no more than one page. The statement should be clear, concise and not hand-written.) Please provide in a .doc format on the CD with your images.

4. Submissions will not be returned.

5. Acceptance requires that the artist pay for delivery and return shipping.
In the event the gallery chooses to represent the artist, the gallery will pay the return shipping fees.

6. Please make sure your contact information: name, email, phone number and address are included on a separate sheet of paper enclosed. This information is important so we may contact you in the event that we are unable to open any of the files you submit.

Deadline: All entries must be postmarked by Jan. 9, 2008 to be considered.

Send Submissions to:

Estel Gallery - RPS

115 Rosa L Parks Blvd

Nashville, TN 37203


Jan. 9, 2009: postmarked deadline for entries

Jan 17, 2009: notification of inclusion via email

Jan 23 - 31, 2009: delivery of artwork

Feb 6 - March 14, 2009: exhibition dates

Feb 7, 2009: reception from 6pm-9pm

March 21, 2009: return shipping of artwork

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